Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Heavy, a story about the unknown

Soul music has now a new name, The Heavy.

They only have 2 edited albums, Great Vengeance And Furious Fire (2007) and The House That Dirt Built (2009) and for some reason they remained unknown to my kind musical world. From the looks of it, to most of the music universe.

It’s not that the songs are fantastically arranged, nor the lyrics are brilliant, no that's not it. From top to bottom, it’s ALL about Kelvin Swaby’s fucking voice.

There are no words to describe it. The closest would be: Curtis Mayfield, James Brown and Stevie Wonder in one voice. Probably I’m exaggerating, but that’s it.

When I first listened to The Heavy, I felt butterflies in the stomach, like the ones you feel when you’re 16 and you’re standing half an hour on a bench waiting for THAT girl from school. Pure chemistry.

Enough words. Here is the song responsible for all this:  

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Drums - The Drums

The Drums’s debut self-titled album is still one of the best things we can listen to in days of solitude.

It’s simple, it’s catchy, it’s modern but still old school. It’s The Cure’ish with touches of Joy Division and Smiths. They’ve hit the spot and nobody can’t take them wrong.

The Drums - The Drums is refreshing yet familiar. It’s as good as ‘pop’ music can be these days.

Difficult to pick a favorite song but I’ll have to go with Book Of Stories. After playing the album 100 times, when it gets to track 5, still makes me think ‘this shit is awesome’. Surprises me they haven’t turned it into a single, but then again it probably makes the song even more special.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Man Man, an incomplete recent story

I know very little of Man Man, the sole reason why I actually saw their video is because they were Youtube recommended next to Tom Wait's Satisfied. And that's all I can say honestly .

After that it has been an intense 2 day relationship between WSG and Man Man's Piranhas Club. The track name is brilliant, the song is catchy, the video is just perfect, and I can't help but listen to it and laugh. In a good weird way. I guess because the video reminds me of 2 love stories, Black Keys and Future Islands.

Still don't know anything about them. Just what Wikipedia tells me, and I don't really trust Wikipedia. Like a good friend once told me, Wikipedia is the fastest way of getting wrong information. Bless him. 

The song is part of their 2011 album Life Fantastic. Will explore and return if relevant.

For now, here is the video for Piranhas Club. Enjoy like you mean it:

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tom Waits - Bad As Me

Some people say is a genius. WSG considers Tom Waits to be more than that. He's the master, devil's best friend, earth's best writer, he is beyond what music can reach.

Tom is unique, in every little thing he does.

This post is about his new album, Bad As Me. I'm hooked to it. It's amazing how Waits always manages to hypnotize every single part of my person.

From track 1 to 13 I feel like having a bottle of black label ('no ice please - fucking amateurs') and smoke the packs of cigarretes I never bought. I love you Tom, hope you know what a true inspiration you are to everyone who likes pure rock music and shares the frustrations and lack of honesty of this cruel life. To you I say, great shit-ass album man, another one to go on the top.

The single Bad As Me:

And just a recent memory from Orphans: Brawlers, Bawlers & Bastards - Lie To Me live at Letterman's:

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Strange Boys - Be Brave

The Strange Boys are a strange band. Or maybe they aren't too much of weirdos but the name always brings me back there.

They want to sound like old punk-garage-rock (something like the Ramones, or maybe I'm just crazy), and at a certain stage they really do. All about them sounds to me very cliché, but for some reason I can't stop listening to their Be Brave album. It's fucking addictive stuff. I don't smoke, but I guess this must be the feeling: 'I know it's not good for me but I can't stop doing it'.

I recommend you to buy the album and see if you share my smoking feeling. Hope they don't increase their price as well, cause they're pretty unknown by now.

Start your experience by the easiest path, the single Be Brave from Be Brave, pretty original stuff:

and finish with my favorite - musically and lyrically speaking - Laugh At Sex, Not Her: