Wednesday, December 21, 2011

2011 best song

Please comment on your top-5 or top-10 and add songs if appropriate. This is WSG raw list, no particular order:

EMA - California
The Rapture - How Deep Is Your Love

Do note that you can click on the songs to listen on Youtube.


  1. Dear Diogo, from your list I'll be voting for M83 and Foster the People... and I DEMAND you to add "the look" and "shuffle" from bombay bycicle club and metronomy

  2. Boa lista! Mas a falta de "James Blake - Limit to you Love" nessa lista é imperdoavel para um gajo do teu gabarito! E acrescentava tambem "Lykke Li - I follow you".

  3. Gostei de ver que o "Banana ripple" está aí. Que cançãozorra.
