Starting with JC – Mr. Casablancas, who is - without any question - one of the most charismatic lead singers of Rock & Roll as we know it today. The sweet-sexy-unique voice, the fuck-it-I-want-to-buy-your-jacket style, the drunk-shit-ass stage performances, down to the curious fact that he made his studies in Switzerland (where he actually met Albert Hammond, Jr).
As a band, besides the internal conflict 'JC vs. the rest', they’ve released what is one of the most precious things available out there – Is This It. It is probably the best Rock album of the past 10/11 years, a piece of art, a music treasure that we all should brightly place in our discography and make sure we share it with the next generations. That’s how much Is This It is valued for WSG.
We could sit here and be looking at our screens for hours if I was to post all their landmark songs, so WSG will have the difficult job of picking one. And yes, as much we respect each of all The Strokes songs, there is a different light, a sparkling sense of sarcasm, love and glory about You Only Live Once, from First Impressions Of Hearth. This is THE song of our generation, and that my friends, is my gift to you on this random Friday.
Oh, men don't notice what they got
Oh, women think of that a lot...
A thousand ways to please your man (oh-ho)
Not even one requires a plan (I know)
Oh, men don't notice what they got
Oh, women think of that a lot...
A thousand ways to please your man (oh-ho)
Not even one requires a plan (I know)